Saturday, March 3, 2007

The educational isuues in countrysides in China

I have just read an article on the internet about the educational issues in the countryside of China,it really shocked me a lot.
China has the largest population in the world,but do you know what's the population of the countryside among the whole population 1.3 billion?It's 0.9 billion,it means that 70% of China's population are farmers who are just the poorest in China.
As a farmer, each of them can only earn 3200 yuan(640 S$)each year,but the money they should pay for the education of their children is 800 yuan(160 S$)per child.What's more,some of these families always don't obey the "One Child Policy",they may give birth to a lot.Since it's impossible for a family in the rural region to pay such a big amount of money,a lot of children have dropouted during elementary or secondary schools.
Though China has already promulgated the law on compulsory education in 1986, which stipulates that the state should provide a nine-year compulsory education "free of tuition fees" for all primary and junior middle school students,it still hasn't been achieve till today cause the schools in the rural region always collect tuition fees or charge various"miscellaneous fees"in some excuses.It cause dropout ratio for rural primary and junior middle schools in 2004 was 2.45 percent and 3.91 percent respectively, while the figure in the less developed central and western regions was much higher!
But to my surprise,our premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday pledged that the government would eliminate all charges on rural students receiving a nine-year compulsory education before the end of 2007. He also said that the government will increase about 218.2 billion yuan(53.6 S$)on the funds of education in the next 5 years to lift China out of the rank of less than 30 countries worldwide which fail to provide their kids with completely free compulsory education. And he had also claimed that China will fund the repair and renovation of rural school buildings and guaranteeing the payment of rural school teachers' salaries .
All of these will really ameliorate the educational issues and will benefit some 160 million school-age children in the vast rural region, who account for nearly 80 percent of the country's primary and junior middle school students.
Actually it's a good milestone in China's history and also a good beginning.If the government will do so,then more and more students especially that in rural regions will have a opportunity to finish their compulsory education.It's really motivate all the poor family.
So you can see though China has a lot of educational issues now, I believe that it will be solved on one day at last.And I also hope all the students will treasure this opportunity and become hard-working!

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