Saturday, May 12, 2007

Melting The Ice——Wen's visit to Japan

Since World War II, there has been a tension between China and Japan till recent years. But just a month ago, there is a visit to Japan by Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, and Wen said that his three-day visit to Japan was meant to "melt the ice"
To Japan, Wen's visit was the first in nearly 7 years by a Chinese leader and it's also the first visit in 22 years by a Chinese leader in Japan's parliament.

For the politics, Wen Jiabao of China pledged friendship with Japan, but also cautioned that Tokyo must match its past apologies for its wartime aggression with concrete actions. As a warning against Abe not to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, he commented that:" only a handful of militarists" in Japan were responsible for the war in China and that the Japanese people, like the Chinese people, were "victims of the war". I think it's really a kind and acceptable way to Japan that Wen raised the history-related problems that have been at the heart of the disputes between the countries, but avoided the bitter tone and finger-pointing that accompanied visit Japan by Jiang Zemin, the former president, in 1998.

Though so far, there have been no breakthroughs in the most contentious issues bedeviling their relations, I can see that both the countries have appeared to make great efforts to impose ties.
To me, I'm really happy with our prime minister's visit to Japan since that it's really a good start of stable and friendly relationship between China and Japan.

China and Japan have been neighbours since ancient years and there has been regular contact between these two countries since the Tang Dynasty. At that time, China is one of the most prosperous countries in the world and played a role of a teacher to Japan, which was undeveloped. So despite the wars, China and Japan really should be good neighbours. Though in the history, Japan invaded China and committed a lot of unacceptable crime, it has been the past already. Actually we shouldn't forget the history, but we also shouldn't let the history become an obstacle of good relationships between the two countries today! On another hand, the crimes were not committed by all the Japanese, and the militarism has also been the past, it's not a proper reason for an existing grudge. The most important situation is that how do these two neighbour countries cooperate well with each other and achieve their goals, but not the consideration of the past and treat it as the thick ice between their relationships. So I think Wen's visit to Japan is really correct and necessary.

All in all, I hope that from now on, China and Japan will have a close and stable relationship, be friendly and help and also cooperate with each other. I believe that the ice between them is melting now, and it will disappear eventually on one day in future.

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