Friday, March 2, 2007

Acid Rain

Have you ever heard about the acid rain?I have just read an article on it.Acid rain is a kind of natural calamity which is caused by smoke and gases that are given off by factories and cars that run on fossil fuels.When these fuels are burned to produce energy,the sulfur that is present in the fuel combines with oxygen and becomes sulf dioxide;some of the nitrogen in the air becomes nitrogen oxide.These pollutants go into the atmosphere and become acid,so when it rains, the normal rains will become acid rains.
Actually the acid rain is very harmful to the nature and human beings.Since acid can corrode everything it meets.When a acid rain comes,a lot of plants and animals will die,a lot of buildings will be destroyed and it's said that only one drop of the acid rain is enough to make a person feel burning pain!
Since there are few factories in Singapore,it's a unpolluted country,but it's quite different from China.There are so many factories and vehicles and such a large population in China that it need a big amount of energy every day.So acid rain is quite common in some part of China.It's also the same in America and some European countries.I think the government didn't pay enough attention for it,or the cases of acid rain will not be still increasing.
But there is still some solution to solve the problem.To conserve energy is just a way because some experts have already proved that if energy was used more carefully,we could cut the amount of the fuel burner in half!And to clean the coal before burning it is also a essential way.
As a student,we can just take buses or MRT to go to school instead of taking vehicles,can also contribute to solve this problem.
We should not only consider about ourselves but also our posterities.If everyone of us just contribute a little,I believe that the acid rain will be coped or reduced at last on one day in future.

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